Friday, January 16, 2015

I'm related to this family!

The photos were taken in Mantua, Utah in 23* weather.
This was the quickest poto session ever! I was jumping like a crazy lady to get the kids to smile!
It was so freezing cold, the kids were not happy, at all! 5 clicks of the camera and we're done!

Then into the warm car the kids go, and this is the best shot of the day!!!
love my kids

While in Utah visiting my kids, I wanted to see the fall colors

Off to Manuta, Utah we went. While walking around the lake, I saw this clock. It looked just like the clock I bought my Dad when I was 9.  I had as a child earned and saved my money just for his gift. This clock brought back fond memories of the happy look on my Dad's face as he opened his gift.

We drove around the back side of the lake, there was so much beauty in this area.  The sun gave me the prettiest lighting.  I love how the sun is peeking through the trees.

I love the serene colors the earth gifts to us. me, it's breath taking!
This Senior photo shoot was the quickest ever!

My work was easy.  I just told him if he posed well and was on his good behavior, we'd be finished within and the hour! And he'd get chocolate chip cookies~

That was great incentive, of course he put on the Ritz~

and we got us some great photos, 
love ya Cooper
Meet the Merrill family

I love the Merrill family, my family has enjoyed having the Merrill's as friends for a long time. 
 I have watched their babies grow into adulthood and teenage years.

Their home is brand new and beautiful, it looks just like 
an English castle. It's just beautiful

The library in their home is an absolute work of art!

and I enjoy every single person in the wonderful family!
One of my favorite family's

They are kookie

and loving

 and so full of fun!!

They are a combined family his/mine and now ours!
Congratulations on the adoption of your two youngest boys.